About Tribe4SurTac
Tribe4SurTac is a family run company based out of Aurora Colorado that seeks to bring top quality emergency preparedness products to campers, preppers, hikers, survivalists, first responders and wilderness enthusiasts. We are seasoned preppers. We know what is junk and what works. We pass up many high margin products, and limit our inventory to high quality, dependable products that will preform when you need them most.
The market is saturated with low quality survival products, which take advantage of many peoples lack of familiarity with emergency preparedness supplies. Every product on our website is put through rigorous real world testing, which is cross referenced by other experienced and impartial gear reviewers. We just want to help get people prepared, and stay informed.
This is why we started Tribe4SurTac. We love the outdoors, bushcraft , hunting, and self defense. Most people that know us, know this. Over the last 6 years, things have come up in a frightening way! We've been contacted by numerous people whos questions are seemingly infinite. Predominately, "How do I keep my family SAFE!" In an effort to answer questions, direct you to the products, and also to taech and inform, Tribe4surTac was born. We really hope we can help you and your family.​
Be Prepared, Keep Safe, And Stay @ The Ready!!!